This weekend, Mr. T and I went to visit my parents in Hutch.
We had a rip-roarin' time. And it all began with Mr. T's Aunt Beulah. She's a hoot! We went to lunch, heard her stories, ate sweet potato fries, and had a lovely visit with her.
Then Mom, Mr. T and I went to Smith's Market downtown. It's the coolest thing in Hutch and I've NEVER BEEN THERE BEFORE! How did I grow up in Hutch and never make it to Smith's Market? I'm convinced my parents didn't tell me about it because they wanted me to move out of the house someday, and if I'd known about Smith's Market, I wouldn't have been so willing to leave.
After Dad got off work, we went out to eat at this fancy schmancy restaurant by this new swanky coffee shop. When did Hutch become so urban? Oh, and we watched about a billion episodes of Cupcake Wars and Storage Wars until our eyes almost fell out of our heads.
A little church, a little taco soup for lunch, a long nap, and we were on our way home, celebrating a lovely weekend.
You're gettin' the hang of this picture thing!! Well done!! Happy Birthday Paula!! Also, we'd like to see pictures of your new clothes. Or at least I would. :)