
Moth Migration

We had five moths in our house last night.  Mr. T tried to suck them up in a Dustbuster.  It's actually not really a Dustbuster.  It's more like a small vacuum/Dustbuster type thing with a long handle on it that he was wielding up around our lamp trying to get the moths in it.  And much to my dismay, it worked for the most part.

You may wonder why this "dismays" me.  I should point out that I'm not really afraid of moths.  Spiders - ICK!  KILL THEM ALL!  I don't care if they are helpful and eat other bugs!!!  Moths, on the other hand...I don't know...they are like grayish/brownish butterflies.  They don't really scare me. 

My mom, however, IS afraid of moths, but she can handle herself around them.  Crickets are another story.  She is terrified of crickets!  I remember when we were kids, we had crickets in our basement and they would get in the laundry basket.  I can see her now...holding up a pair of jeans to fold and on the side facing me was a huge cricket.  Before I could warn her, she'd turn the jeans around, see that cricket, scream and chuck the jeans across the room.  Then...my most favorite memory of my mother...she'd get the broom and go to town beating that poor little cricket until he was off on a journey to his happy little hunting ground in the sky.  (That really isn't my favorite memory, but oddly enough, it is a fond memory.)  That whole scene was only disturbing to me around the time we were reading, "A Cricket In Times Square" at school.  That's when crickets became like people.

Anyway, back to moths...Mr. T said we get lots of moths at this time every year because they are all migrating to Colorado.  I didn't know they did such a thing.  Before I didn't really care if they died, but now that I know they are on a mission, I feel like it's important they be given the chance to succeed.  Furthermore, Mr. T told me they burrow into cracks in the doorways and windows, then in the morning they accidentally come in the house instead of going outside and get really confused.  What a heartbreak!  Those poor little dears!   

So while he's walking around the house with the Dustbuster-vacuum hybrid, I'm trying to coax them into the palms of my hands so I can set them free outside.  I keep thinking they are going to sense my aurora of good intentions, but I guess it doesn't really work like that.  I have yet to catch one. 

But I'm going to keep practicing.  I think I have a few more weeks until the "Season of Moths" is over.  By that time I should be pretty good at communicating with the moths on a more spiritual level.


  1. Kill them all! (: I have a newly wed story I must share with you regarding those dear little moths of yours. I repeat: Kill Them All!!!

  2. So glad someone else shares my delima-capture or kill. They're everywhere here too. Even in my car! Erika
