
You May Be Wondering...

...why my blog posts have been a little on the light side lately. 
There's a reason for that. 
And the reason is that I haven't been feeling very good.
Why, you ask.
There's a reason for that too.
I'll give you a hint.

It has something to do with the fact that I used to love the smell of this:

But now I think it smells like a stinky pet store.

And going to Wal-Mart - forget about it! 
That place stinks to high heaven. 
Between the food, and the stinky people and the stink people leave behind that I somehow manage to walk into - I DREAD going there!

It also has something to do with the fact that I feel like I can't function without a solid two hour nap each day, which isn't always possible, meaning there's lots of times I just can't function.  At least not well.

And I have to eat something...
...like every 10 minutes.

And I need lots of hugs from Mr. T.
And despite not feeling well, our hearts are full and we are thankful each day.

Have you guessed it yet?
I'll give you one more hint:

Ta - da!

We're expecting a Tiny Tidyman sometime at the end of November.
I'm entering my 2nd trimester at 13 weeks and starting to perk up a bit.

We couldn't be happier!


  1. 1. Tiny Tidyman is a great name!
    2. I don't see much that is different with you being preggo besides the coffee repulsion.
    3. You forgot that maybe being preggo is the reason for your xmen dreams.
    4. You are gonna be one of those people that hardly ever looks preggo. Man, I'm jealous.
    5. I'm so excited. I'm knighting myself the favorite Aunt Jordanne. This kid doesn't have any aunties!!

    1. 5. The baby has an Auntie Janae, but not an Auntie Jordanne. You will be the favorite Aunt Jordanne for sure!

    2. I don't know why I spaced Jenae. You're right, it's her rightful title! Silly me.

  2. Wahoo!!! So very very excited for you! Babies are the BEST! Can't wait to hear more!

  3. I love that - Tiny Tidyman. HIP-HIP-HOORAY FOR NEW BABIES!!! Can't wait to love on this little one...and maybe throw him/her around a bit (when he/she is older, of course)! ;)

  4. Patty Sunshine! I'm so thrilled for you, and I just want to give you a hug...can this be done through the internet? yes? did you feel it? Yea for babies!!

  5. And we are so excited to grandparents to Tiny Tidyman...
    We can't wait to hold and love and babysit. My dad used to say being a grandparent was so great he should have had them first. I can't wait to see if that is true.
