
I Pity Da Foo

Yesterday I told Mr. T...
"Did you know I call you 'Mr. T' on my blog?"

To which he replied, "I pity da foo!"  

To which I said, "What does that even mean?  Who does he pity?  Why does he pity them?"

Then we started to make a list of all the possibilities. 
Perhaps Mr. T (the one with gold jewelry around his neck) pities fools who...

*cross paths with Mr. T.
*get trapped in some pyramid scheme they thought would solve all their problems.
*buy neon green cars on a whim, then realize they hate the color neon green.
*say, "I'm going to finish reading Moby Dick before I start any other books."
*eat chili for lunch, then get stuck on an elevator with their boss for an extended period of time.

It is still a mystery, as the possibilities are endless. 
What are your thoughts?


  1. Mr. T was my hero growing up. (obvs the one with the gold chains...not YOUR Mr. T)

  2. My cousins and I flew Mr. T kites at my 3rd birthday party. My dad always teases my mom (who bought them) about it, but she just responds, "Well, they were on sale!"

    Additional thoughts: yay for you having a blog!
