
New Lifestyle Plan

Mr. T and I have been talking about incorporating a "New Lifestyle Plan" into our lives, which is more commonly known as diet and exercise.  We were going to get serious about it a couple weeks ago, but then I went to Walmart, took a stroll down the Easter candy isle, and made the executive decision to put the kabash on our diet until we consumed a fair amount of the delicious treats.  

Unfortunately, Mr. T and I are both addicted to sugar.  Me, especially, since Tidytot's birth.  I'm not sure why.  Probably has something to do with stress eating.  For example, after a decent amount of crying - the kind where you really want to help, but all your efforts are in vain - I would sometimes find myself standing in the kitchen, staring blankly out the window, and mindlessly eating M&M's out of a bowl with a spoon.  


If not for those times, I would probably be close to my original weight.  Alas, now you see why we had to start our New Lifestyle Plan this week.

The rules are as follows:

1.  Eat healthy meals / Make healthy snacks
*It's easy for me to make healthy meals.  Snacks are a little more difficult.

2.  Drink 2 glasses of water before getting seconds at mealtime
*Hint - simply load up your plate the first time around and you can easily bypass this pesky rule.

3.  Do not consume any "unnecessary" sweets
*To clarify - this does not mean that we don't eat sugar.  I can put honey on cornbread and not feel too bad about it.  And if we have company or if we are over at someone's house and they made dessert, then bring it on.  However, we don't seek out sweet treats otherwise.  We do invite over company as often as possible, though!

4.  Workout 4 times per week
*Pretty self-explanatory

5.  Weekends are a free for all!
*Yet another reason to love weekends.

And there you have it.  Our bodies are currently under submission to this rigorous routine.  We will be fit and sculpted in no time flat!

1 comment:

  1. A good plan. Tell Jeff according to My Fitness Pal that shoveling snow for 45 minutes burns 431 calories. So you can splurge a little if you want. Keep us posted on the results.
    Way to go. M
