

Tidytot has recently discovered her hands.  She can spend hours looking at them each day.  Typically she is gracefully moving one hand in front of her face, attention fixed.  The other hand is absentmindedly playing with the hair on the back of her head.  It's so precious!

I look at her hands often and think about all the ways she will use them while she is here on earth.
These hands that captivate her now will soon enough be gripping things with ease.
They'll be used to support her as she crawls over to Annie, with every intention of tugging on her ears.
They'll hold onto Cheerios as she either guides them to her mouth or sends them flying through the room.

They are hands I will hold as we walk carefully across the street.
Hands that will be used to bless others, give hugs, draw pictures.
Hands that will be used to bring harm, pinch siblings, and snatch toys.

With all my heart I hope they are hands that will one day be folded often in prayer.
Hands that will hold the tender hands of Grandma's and Grandpa's as we gather around the table to say grace before the Thanksgiving meal.

I wonder, are these the hands that Mr. T will one day give away in marriage, with eyes brimmed in tears and a heart full of pride?
Will they be used to gently hold our sweet grand babies as she welcomes them into the world?
Are they the hands I will hold onto at the funeral service of my beloved, should he go first to be with Jesus?  Will they be used to comfort my broken heart as we say goodbye for the last time and lay him in the ground?

I love her hands.
I pray that they will be used to bring God glory for all her years to come.


  1. I hope and pray she has a loving heart just like you. May God Bless your family for many many years.

  2. I love reading your posts They make me laugh some times and feel warm and fuzzy other times or both! I mostly like that they always get a sweet little point across and are very uncomplicated. God bless mrs tidyman mr.t and tidytot!!!!

  3. Oh, that one made me cry. Lovely thoughts, about all the places those sweet little hands will go.
