
CT Scan

Tomorrow we are taking Tidytot to the hospital for a CT scan.  She was born with a large soft spot which has been closing over time, however recently our Dr. has become worried that something might be preventing it from closing entirely.  Just to be sure, we need to do the scan, and in order to do the scan she has to lay very still, and in order for her to lay very still they have to sedate her. 

The worry I feel sits deep in my bones, not so much about the procedure, but about the test results.  On the heels of thinking, "I'm sure everything is going to be just fine" are the tiresome"what if's."  Truly, I do think everything will be just fine.  She isn't delayed in any way and seems very 18 month old-ish.

In the mental tug-of-war between peace and worry, we choose to lay the later at the feet of Jesus and we pray for all the things we want.  Health.  Peace.  An easy road.  Knowing we might not get the things we want, we pray for grace should He choose to send us on a harder path. 

And, in the meantime, we work hard to not let the worry show on our faces.

1 comment:

  1. How scary for all of you. I hope, now that it's all over, that you got reassuring answers.
