This morning I asked Mr. T to pray for me.
"I have to write the Birthday Email today and I still don't have a good angle," I said.
There's a lot of pressure to be funny.
And grammatically correct.
But mostly funny.
I'm sure Larry the Cable Guy and his wife have the same conversation every morning.
"Babe, I gotta be funny today, but I don't have a good angle!"
"Just act like a big, dumb hick again. That always keeps people laughing," his wife replies.
"Oh yea. That's exactly what I'll do!!!"
Larry and I both live in the great state of Nebraska, where there are lots of cows, but not a lot of comedians. Unless, of course, you count every small town preacher who starts off his sermon with a gut-busting joke. Or my wonderful Father-in-Law who's known for generously sharing his collection of knee-slappers.
And we all feel it.
My Father-in-Law.
It's amazing we can get out of bed in the morning, living under the pressure to be funny.
For those who are new to this whole thing, I started writing a Birthday Email several years ago. Basically, it's a time for me to give the general public suggestions of what they can get me for my birthday. It's sort of a joke...sort of. But seriously, it's the stuff I want so please consider that when you're rushing out to make your purchases.
Year 31 has been a great year! Being married to Mr. T has brought me a greater sense of peace than I have ever known. I am so over the top in love with him, who he is, how he thinks, how he laughs, his hugs and the color of his eyes. He takes the cake.
Not only that, but blessing upon blessing, we get to grow our family this year! In about three months, our daughter will come. That means, for the next three months, we can enjoy being "perfect parents". We have so many opinions about raising kids and how people SHOULD raise their kids and we talk about when OUR kid comes we're not going to make THOSE errors in judgement. Ahhh, the sweet bliss of being perfect parents. I know the feeling won't last. We'll make lots of mistakes and quickly join the ranks of other couples who, despite making mistakes, love their children fully.
So, with all these blessings, what else in this entire world could a girl possibly want?
I'm glad you asked!!!
The list is as follows:
Duvet Cover

Cute Pillow #1

Cute Pillow #2
Size 12 X 16


The new Pioneer Woman cookbook was on my list, but my lovely sister already got it for me!
I love the people in my circle.
My life is full of God's abundant grace. My every breath is dependent on Him, who is the giver of all good things. Whatever Year 32 brings, joys and sorrows, I hope the faith Mr. T and I have will deepen as we follow a God who guides us, a God who IS love, and a God who remains faithfully near.
May you see God's rich blessings and grace in your life as the year continues to unfold!
Love always,
Mrs. Tidyman
"I have to write the Birthday Email today and I still don't have a good angle," I said.
There's a lot of pressure to be funny.
And grammatically correct.
But mostly funny.
I'm sure Larry the Cable Guy and his wife have the same conversation every morning.
"Babe, I gotta be funny today, but I don't have a good angle!"
"Just act like a big, dumb hick again. That always keeps people laughing," his wife replies.
"Oh yea. That's exactly what I'll do!!!"
Larry and I both live in the great state of Nebraska, where there are lots of cows, but not a lot of comedians. Unless, of course, you count every small town preacher who starts off his sermon with a gut-busting joke. Or my wonderful Father-in-Law who's known for generously sharing his collection of knee-slappers.
And we all feel it.
My Father-in-Law.
It's amazing we can get out of bed in the morning, living under the pressure to be funny.
For those who are new to this whole thing, I started writing a Birthday Email several years ago. Basically, it's a time for me to give the general public suggestions of what they can get me for my birthday. It's sort of a joke...sort of. But seriously, it's the stuff I want so please consider that when you're rushing out to make your purchases.
Year 31 has been a great year! Being married to Mr. T has brought me a greater sense of peace than I have ever known. I am so over the top in love with him, who he is, how he thinks, how he laughs, his hugs and the color of his eyes. He takes the cake.
Not only that, but blessing upon blessing, we get to grow our family this year! In about three months, our daughter will come. That means, for the next three months, we can enjoy being "perfect parents". We have so many opinions about raising kids and how people SHOULD raise their kids and we talk about when OUR kid comes we're not going to make THOSE errors in judgement. Ahhh, the sweet bliss of being perfect parents. I know the feeling won't last. We'll make lots of mistakes and quickly join the ranks of other couples who, despite making mistakes, love their children fully.
So, with all these blessings, what else in this entire world could a girl possibly want?
I'm glad you asked!!!
The list is as follows:
Duvet Cover

Cute Pillow #1

Cute Pillow #2
Size 12 X 16



The new Pioneer Woman cookbook was on my list, but my lovely sister already got it for me!
I love the people in my circle.
My life is full of God's abundant grace. My every breath is dependent on Him, who is the giver of all good things. Whatever Year 32 brings, joys and sorrows, I hope the faith Mr. T and I have will deepen as we follow a God who guides us, a God who IS love, and a God who remains faithfully near.
May you see God's rich blessings and grace in your life as the year continues to unfold!
Love always,
Mrs. Tidyman