Ever read it?
If not, you are TOTALLY missing out.
One of the funniest - Laugh. Out. Loud. - funniest books I've ever read!
I LOL'd with almost every page turn.
It was recommended by the Highly Esteemed Brooke Grigg who reads like a book a night, so you really pay attention when she says a book is good.
Plus, it only takes about an hour to read - for normal people, that is. A little longer for me because I read slow. Not because I'm dim-witted or anything like that. Just because I take time to stop and IMAGINE what I just read.
My former roomies, Jordanne and Melissa would make fun of me relentlessly for this by looking at a book then staring doopily into space and saying, "who am I?" The other would laugh and say, "you're Patty, i-maaaaaa-gin-ing." Melissa would then point out the fact that she, "imagines WHILE she's reading."
To each his own, I say.
So, I went to the library to check out the book but I forgot who wrote it so I figured I could just scan the rows of books until I found it. I found the books labeled, "Young Adult Series." Not there.
Then I asked this group of girls, "hey, do you know who wrote 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'."
"I think it's over here," one girl said, as she led me around the corner to a different row of books. "These books are for, like, 10 year olds."
"Oh, okay thank you," I said.
I was taking a moment to ponder what she said and realized I just read a series written for 16 year olds and now I'm in search of a series written for 10 year olds and how someday I should probably start reading Big Girl books....and I must have looked lost because the librarian came over and asked if I needed help.
"Nope," I said. Which was kind of a lie. But the kind of help I need, she's probably not qualified to offer unless she has some sort of doctorate in something related to helping people who have a screw loose.
Plus, she works in the children's area at the library and she is super sweet and super helpful, but she's often suspiciously asking if I need help and it makes me feel like I'm some sort of creep-o for being in the children's area. And I'm not a creep-o! I'm just a slow reader!!!
Whatever - basically, what I'm trying to tell you is that if you're not doing anything tonight, you should read, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" by Jeff Kinney. I think you'll like it.
I have read three of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I really enjoyed them!