Mr. T and I are praying about becoming foster parents. We spoke to a lovely couple from our church last night who have done foster care for the past 9 years. They have a cutie little tyke that they've had since he was a baby and plan to adopt out of foster care next month.
Now, Mr. T is wonderful with children and kids like him right away. Especially this little tyke who prefers to hang out with his fellow chums, as opposed to lame girls. So they played and played as we talked and talked and then it came time for dessert!
Little tyke went into his high chair and got a brownie and some ice cream. Before we knew it, the brownie was smeared all over his clothes and all through his hair. Then he played with Mr. T and got some brownie on his nice pants.
This was not a bad thing.
It was a very NORMAL thing.
We know this.
But this very, very, very SMALL thing was a BIG reality check to what we're considering. Until then, it wasn't so apparent what a stark contrast the peaceful and almost surreal lives we currently led would be to the other life involving brownies in the hair, on our clothes and everywhere.
I'm so thankful for the time spent with this precious family! We had a lot of our questions answered and we were able to obtain a more realistic mindset regarding foster care. Both of which will help us as we continue to pray about it and see if this is an idea God grows or if he redirects us. Either way, we hope to glorify him where ever he leads.
Haha. Pics next time please.